January 2012 Moms

First dr. appointment is not until 5/23 *feeling anxious*

I just called my OB's office this morning to make my first appointment. They said since everything seems to be going fine so far (no spotting, cramps, etc), they want to schedule my first appointment at 6 weeks. Since I already have travel plans that week, my first appointment is pushed to May 23. The nurse reassured me that if anything happens between now and the appointment, I should call, and they will get me seen. I am hoping for the best, but I am a nervous wreck, because of the experience with an ectopic pregnancy. I have a a feeling I will be POAS everyday for the next 3 weeks to ease my mind. May 23 happens to be my DH's birthday, so I hope we have some good/reassuring news to celebrate his birthday with.

Ladies, please help ease my mind. Is it normal to not been seen until the 6 weeks mark? What do you do to keep your mind off it until then?

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