January 2012 Moms

Fears Coming Out

*in now way, shape, or form do I intend for this post to be hurtful or unempethatic to anyone so please don't take it that way *

I feel like we are losing left and right between Jan 2012 and 1st Tri Boards.  All I can do is just sit at my desk, read and then pray to God that he does have a plan for us even tho we disagree with it at times. I am scared everytime I go to the bathroom even tho my motto has been "just stay positive and the end result will be positive." I am just plain scared and I can't put it more simply.  I am sure everyone is scared and has this same sense of fear, but what can we do to ease our minds? What can we do prevent a m/c?  Nothing, absolutely nothing.  There are some things that our just out of our control and I have to come to deal with that.

I was thinking maybe we could start a prayer train. Some type of list with your name and what you would like us to pray for that week.  I have absolutely no idea if this has been done on any other board as I am new to this all, but I thought I would go out on a limb and suggest it.  I'd like to hear your thoughts.

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