January 2012 Moms

Beyond Frustrated and Dreading Monday!!

I am so beyond frustrated with the lack of help I get!! I have to travel to the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia every two months so that DS can have his procedure for his eyes. The trip is exhausting and I hate going!!. I dread it for weeks before!! I hate the fact that I do it alone and I hate the fact that I am expected to!! I have to drive to Raleigh (about three hours away, since tickets from Charlotte are $800), stay the night, wake up at the a$$ crack of dawn for a 6am flight, fly to Philly, listen to my DS cry uncontrollably during the procedure, walk around the airport alone with people looking at me like "what has she done to her child!", fly back to Raleigh and then drive back to Charlotte!! Then work the next day!!

The whole trip is physically and emotionally draining!! But what frustrates me more than anything is that DH does not go!! Heaven forbid he miss work. But, I am expected to miss work. I am expected to bear this burden alone!! I am expected to walk around the airport alone with people looking at me like I am a horrible mother!!

And I am also pissed that family hasn?t stepped up to the plate to assist us. I need someone to watch him on Tuesday and nope, no help. I really do not like taking him to school the day after incase there is a problem with the implant.  So I will have to miss another day of work!! I already have no leave and I have no idea what we are going to do for maternity leave when the next baby gets here.

I feel like it is both of our responsibility to take care of this. We decided as a family that this is the course of treatment that we wanted to take with DS. However, I feel like I am the only one that carries around the burden!! I am just super stressed out and really dreading Monday!!


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