Upstate NY Babies

Those who are "done" having babies

... did you ever second guess your decision? Anyone decide to just have one more?

I swore daily on everything holy that the twins were "it". The pregnancy was so, so hard and I barely made it out of the 1st few weeks with 2 newborns alive. Now that they're getting smiley and starting to sleep longer stretches- I'm questioning myself. I can't believe it. We've discussed DH getting snipped and we have even started to look up doctors. Now, I don't know... I'm still pretty young... I'm from 4 kids & so is DH...being a mom is the only "job" I've ever wanted...and we could swing it financially...

I think I'm just having a moment of temporary insanity. Let's see how I feel in a few months when I have 2 teething ;)

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