Upstate NY Babies

My peanut is here!

Hi Ladies!

Just a quick post to let everyone know my peanut is here! We are so in love, he is amazing! Smile

Vincent was born via induction d/t pre-e and suspected hellp on April 30th, 6 pounds, 5 oz and 20.5 inches.

I'll spare everyone the traumatic details of inducing labor/delivery and vaginal reconstruction unless someone is really interested. Wink

All I can say now is that we are home. Healthy, happy and loving all these baby snuggles. He is nursing like a champ and his weight has stabilized at 6 pounds, hopefully gaining now.

Thank you all for your support and advice and I look forward to posting now as a Mom! Yay!  

Now if I can only figure out how to change that ticker...haha


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