Pregnant after IF

**Hump Day Bump Day!**

Jenjen, I know you were looking for someone to take this over, and I don't mind doing it. Let me know if this is still the case!

Ladies, let's see those bumps/bloat and outside babies!

married since 11/21/06 ~ together since 8/12/01
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My Baby Blog
BFP 11/08 ~ Chemical Pregnancy
ttc #1 since 5/2010 with PCOS and blocked left tube
IUI #1-2: Gonal F, Ovidrel, IUI: BFN
IUI#2.5:Gonal F + CD34 Ovidrel Trigger + TI 3/14/11: BFP!
Beta #1(10dpo):26 Beta #2(13dpo): 165 Beta #3 (15dpo): 433 Beta #4 (17dpo): 964 Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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