Pregnant after IF

Warning: Vent inside! :)

I know that some people are honestly just trying to help, but I find myself getting more and more irritated with everyone wanting to give their advice on pregnancy and raising children!  I have been dreaming of this day for the past 4 years while we were TTC and I just get angry when everyone says, "you just wait", or "honey, you don't need that on your registry".  I know that I probably don't need it, but I WANT it!  Let me enjoy buying unnecessary items that quite frankly just look cool.  I mean honestly, I know that parenting will be hard, but so was our journey to even get pregnant.  I've already waited and been through a lot more than most of the people trying to give their advice and I just want to live and learn and make mistakes like anyone else.  I know I'm not going to be the perfect mother, but I'm sure as hell going to try.  Am I the only one feeling this way?!?! Or is it just the hormones?! Tongue Tied

Sorry for the vent, I just had to get it out!!!

TTC since Fall of 2007

IUI #1 April 2009-BFN, IUI #2 May 2009-BFN

BFP July 6, 2009-Miscarriage July 9,2009-Chemical Pregnancy

IUI #3 May 2010-BFN, IUI #4 June 2010-BFN

IVF #1 October 2010-2 embryos transferred on Day 3-BFP!!!

Elijah Gage Born July 7, 2011!!!

FET-April 19, BFP!!!

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