Pregnant after IF

Live update from the hospital! (long)

Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers for us!  We really appreciate it.  And thank you Cara for keeping everyone updated for me.

So on to the update....

My water broke at around 5 am yesterday (Tuesday).  I was asleep and woke up thinking I needed to go to the bathroom.  When I got up fluid started gushing.  I honestly thought I was peeing my pants!  I made it to the bathroom and the fluid just kept coming.  The worst part was that my DH was out on a field training and therefore not home.  I called a friend whose husband is a family practice doctor because at that point I was still not 100% convinced that my water broke.  I was going to drive myself to the hospital but I did not want to go in and have them tell me that I was just a crazy pregnant lady that can't hold her bladder.  My friend insisted that she come get me and take me to the hospital.

As soon as I got there and got taken back to triage to tested the fluid and it immediately came back positive for amniotic fluid.  Very quickly I got an IV started on me and the first steroid shot.  The OB covering the floor when I came in did not want to check me because my OB was actually on her way in to do a scheduled C/ he was going to leave it up to her.  When she got there she did check me and I was at 2 cm.  Not even quite a week ago she had checked my cervix because I had some contractions that lasted about 4 hours but never closer together than 10 minutes and not regular at all.  At that point my cervix was closed tight and she had said that it would stay that way for awhile.  Famous last words.

So the decision had to made as to whether or not to keep me at that hospital (they only have a Level 2 NICU) or transport me by ambulance to a hospital an hour away that has a Level 3 NICU.  The problem was that I was having contractions every 2-3 minutes and when she checked my cervix the second time (only about 30 minutes later) I was at 3 and if she wanted to she could stretch me to 4.  Not good.  I was moving fast.  She did not make the final decision to transport me until the ambulance was already there and the paramedics were in my room.

So it was an hour ride and at one point we had to go lights and sirens because I was contracting every 2 minutes and they were lasting 90 seconds.  Thankfully we made it with no baby delivered and when they checked me at the new hospital I was still 3-4 cm.  The OB here decided to start procardia to stop the contractions until at least Thursday.  So at this point we are just keeping watch.  I got my second steroid shot this morning and the goal is to make it to tomorrow (Thursday) morning.   It looks like I will have my little girl some time on Thursday.  The OB's have decided that the risk of infections far outweighs the risks of her being born at this gestational age.  They are expecting her to need some respiratory help and tube feedings.

The only "issue" I am having is that the procardia is kicking my butt.  It makes me really nauseous and since I have to take it every 4 hours...I only got about 2 hours of sleep last night.  They have offered some anti-nausea meds but I am trying to avoid those for now by making sure I take the procardia on a full stomach.  I just had a dose about 2 hours ago and so far so good.  There is talk between the docs about taking me off of it by this evening and seeing what happens.

My DH is already planning Madison's 21st birthday.  He is thinking a Cinco De Mayo theme complete with margaritas, tacos and salsa!  He cracks me up!   At least he is keeping me entertained.  I have been remarkably calm according to the friends and family that I have spoken to over the phone...but at this point that is what Madison needs from me.

Thanks for reading through all of that and thanks again for all your support!  Love you ladies!

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