Pregnant after IF

Root Canal while pregnant

This is what I get to look forward to while on my vacation! I have been in severe pain since Friday & came back in town last night to see the dentist this morning. He then explains that lucky me gets to have a root canal on Thursday.

Please tell me this is going to be quick & easy!

I hope everyone is doing great! On a better note we get to see our little ones in the morning & I am hoping that they cooperate & show us their stuff a little early.

PAIF/SAIF Always Welcome
TTC #1 Since 3/2010 Diagnosed with POF
6/2010-IVF #1 Cancelled after ER b/c 0 eggs recovered
On to Donor Eggs
9-30-10 IVF w/ DE begins & Donor started stims 10-4-10
Donor ER 10-14-10 14 Fertilized Eggs ~ ET 10-17-10 (7 Frosties)
IVF #1 11-18-10 M/C @ 7 Weeks~Stopped growing @ 5 Weeks
FET #1 2-1-2011
Beta #1 13dp3dt 2-14-2011~722
Beta #2 15dp3dt 2-16-2011~1942
1st U/S 3-3-2011~Twin Girls

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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