Pregnant after IF

Can we talk hemroids for a moment?

This might be tmi... but what do I do? 

I had never had hemroids before pregnancy.  I got a small one a few weeks ago but it didn't hurt or bother me at all and so I didn't do anything about it.  Now I have a larger one and it hurts like mad.  It hurts to sit, it hurts to stand, it hurts to have a bm, it just hurts.  And so... what am I suppose to be doing about it?  Other then prepheration H is there anything I can do to clear it up faster? 

Thanks... going to hide under a rock now. Embarrassed

TRC since = Feb/09 Dx: Unexplained Infertility Lap Surgery: July/10, small amount of endo removed Injectables and IUI #1=bfn Injectables and IUI #2=bfp!!!!!! Baby Boy born May 7, 2011 at 37weeks pregnant. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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