Pregnant after IF

T & P needed... First u/s

Hi everyone, I was hoping to be able to post great news about my first u/s when I came back to this board but my appt. today gave me the dreaded news of an empty sac at 6w1d...again. She thought she saw the start of a yolk sac but they should have seen much more given my beta levels. Betas are still rising ok but are up to 18000, plenty high to normally see fetal pole and heartbeat. Something similar happened last time at 6w2d with an empty sac that measured a week behind and at 7w2d we had another u/s and saw a faint heartbeat, still measured a week behind, and had a missed m/c a week later.

I go back on Friday for another u/s and am praying that things look better. I could use any T & P you could spare! 

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