Pregnant after IF

Ugh. Such a clutz!

So, both my dogs needed to go to the vet today to get updated on one of their vaccines. They need this done so I can take them to be groomed. The vet's office is about a 15 minute walk from my house, so it was no big deal for me to walk the dogs up there while DH was at work today. I had to take them separately, though...I can't handle both dogs on a walk like that by myself. So, I took my mini-schnauzer first. She isn't used to walking on a leash (she hates it, so I'm bad and avoid it), and she has separation anxiety from my other dog. She barked/howled/yipped the whole way. 

Once that was done, I took her home and got my airedale ready to go. She is much easier to walk on the leash, as she loves walks. We got a little over halfway there, stopped to push the button for the "walk" signal crossing the main road. The light turned immediately, so we went to walk across. I didn't notice a hole in the ground in front of me, and stepped in it. I went down hard on my left knee!

I felt like an idiot because all the traffic was staring at me. I got up and hobbled across the street. Then I noticed I ripped a huge hole in my jeans (brand new fav maternity jeans!), and a big hole in my knee! Luckily, at the vet's office, they gave me stuff to clean it up and bandage my knee. Ugh. Now my knee hurts and I'm tired from the multiple walks. I think I'm going to be a whiner for the rest of the night! 

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