Upstate NY Babies

Terrible morning at the bouncey house place

That's it, not taking the kids any place by myself for a while!  We went to the bouncey house place this morning, where I have taken them several times before on my own.  Today it was busier though.  I was doing my best at keeping an eye on both of them, but some much older kids went into a bounce house where Ty was, I walked over to check on him and suddenly Brianna was gone.  I looked everywhere for her, I thought she climbed into the bounce house maze that she was standing in front of last I had seen her, but called for her and looked in, thought she could get very far into it.  I looked, started asking other parents if they had seen her.  I got so scared.  I had to go to the desk and ask for help finding her.  Turns out she did manage to get to the back of the maze and got stuck, an employee found her sitting in the back with her head down. 

In the meantime, I wasn't keeping close enough eye on Tyler and I don't know what happened but I turned around and some lady was yelling at him and he was retaliating my hitting her with a long balloon!  Not OK behavior, but not anything I could handle the battle over then and there, plus I have no idea what happened.  Her yelling pushed his buttons, thank goodness he managed to hold himself together, but he was definitely on edge and had a few minor outbursts on the way out. 

Then to top it off some jerk was behind me pulling out of McDonalds afterwards and started blaring his horn at me even though I couldn't go because there were cars coming and it is an awkward roadway, just raised my anxiety that much higher.  I still feel on edge myself.

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