Pregnant after IF

Called OB at midnight because of contractions

I went into bed around 9 pm and I laid on my back waiting to feel my little guy, like I usually do. Instead, I started having contractions! I have never had anything like it before. My whole belly got really hard and tight and it hurt! It was so scary. From 9-10, it happened about seven times. I don't really know if they were Braxton Hicks because I never had those before, but these contractions were very regular, and uncomfortable.?

At 10, they were still happening, but I tried to go to sleep. I feel asleep from about 1030-1130, and then the contractions woke me up. So I called my OB's emergency line and he called me right back. I felt to badly because I clearly woke him up. Ugh. I know that is what he is there for....but I still feel dumb. He was very nice and said they were contractions, but they were probably from being dehydrated and not a big deal. But he said if they continued, that I should go to labor & delivery. I was able to go back to sleep and I woke up three times during the night to pee. I don't think I had any more contractions. I woke up at 530 for work and I didn't have any more. But my belly felt a little sore from them.

So I went to work because my students have a state test today. I told my assistant principal, just in case they started again. She made me go home right after the test so I could rest. So I just got home now.

Here is the other part of the story- this is TMI and gross. In August when I was doing FET # 1, I got a boil on my bikini line and it was an ordeal because of the FET. Dermo took care of it and I was on topical meds and it finally went away.?

Well, a few days ago, I guess it started getting hot out, and I have an infected hair follicle basically in my hair down there. Great! I have been using a hot compress and using baby powder to keep it dry. It hurts a bit. It is kind of big. So the reason I bring this up is because my assistant principal asked me if I had an infection anywhere because she said they can bring on contractions. So now I am freaked out. I am going to the dermatologist at 2. He is a man and I have to show him my cooch where the ingrown hair gross thingy is. Awesome!!

This is really long. Thanks for reading if you did! Any thoughts on any of this would be great. I will update you when I get home from the dermatologist.


DS born 7.30.11
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