Pregnant after IF

My boys are here!

Last Tuesday (26th), DH and I were watching TV when I started feeling really wet. I wasn't sure if it was my water or one of the joys of pregnancy...peeing myself so I laid down for about 15 minutes and when I stood up, there was a huge gush of water. We packed up the car and headed to the hospital. I was 36 weeks, 1 day.

Everything happened very fast. I was only 1cm, 75% effaced with no real contractions but we were doing a c section anyways since baby A was breech, Everything went quick and smoothly.

Brayden was born at 7:56 pm, 4lbs 9oz, 17 in,

Camden was born a minute later at 7:57pm, 5lbs 7 oz, 19 in. 

They are perfect and we couldn't be any happier!

IVF Twins...two boys! Pregnancy Ticker
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