January 2012 Moms

Okay, I'll introduce myself too...

That seems to be the thing to do... and since I don't have a ticker, let me dispell the shadiness factor.

I am indeed pregnant, due January 5-- kind of hard to believe and I keep POAS like a jacka$s just to be 100% sure.  I know some people IRL who lurk on these boards, so I am not ready to put up a ticker yet until the end of the first tri.  I hope you understand... I didn't do it with my son either until that time... in fact I made an alternate name so I could post on the tri boards.

Anyhow... I have been around for a bit.  I was a regular on The Nest D&R board for years, under this name, and an older one that I never posted under.  I went through the tri and month boards with my son, and left with the rest of 12-24 to go to an offboard that I still post on around January when the AEs got out of hand.

I am 29.  I have been married for 5 years.  I am a teacher and I post during my off periods if I am done with my work (or procrastinating).  And I enjoy long walks on the beach, pizza, and sarcasm.

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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