Pregnant after IF

Update on my four follies. Thanks, ladies!

So, we talked all last night and we are going to go ahead with the cycle tomorrow.  We will be okay with twins.  We can handle it.  And if we have more, we'll just have to handle that too.  But, reality check, the chance of more than twins is slim, right?

Having 4 follies just really threw me.  Maybe it is all the hormones going on with me, but I felt like it made me re-think ever getting treatment at all.  I thought again that maybe it is against God's will or against nature or something.  But I think I have a grip on myself again.  I just wish we could (all of us here!) get pregnant like normal people and not be all f'd up like this.  On the other hand, I should be freaking happy that I got a response to clomid.  I would have been devastated if it didn't work..

(if you missed my message, yesterday I had four follies: 14.5, 16.5, 18.2 and 19.2.  I am triggering tonight with an IUI tomorrow morning. My doc does them 12 hours, not 36 hours after trigger.)

Thanks for all your feedback!  It was very helpful to me. :)


Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. -Philo

Baby N conceived after 1 miscarriage and more than 2 years of TTC. Diagnosis was low sperm count. We found success after 3 months of anastrozole to increase DH's testosterone and one IUI.
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I'm stupid. You're smart. I was wrong. You were right. You're the best. I'm the worst. You're very good-looking. I'm not attractive. - Happy Gilmore
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