January 2012 Moms

First appointment yesterday

I had my first appointment yesterday. It was basically just an appointment to get all of my medical history. They did give me an ultrasound. At first they couldn't find the sac because my bladder was empty so they made me drink a few cups of water to fill my bladder. We were able to find the sac then. I was so worried at first that there wasn't going to be anything there when he couldn't find it at first, but now I'm more comforted. I go in for another appointment in three weeks. It's going to be a looonnnng three weeks.

 On another note, I haven't had any morning sickness or the like... but I have been breaking out like crazy! Is anyone else experiencing this? Other than that, I've been very thirsty and I've been fatigued but having trouble sleeping (maybe from the excitement!?). Anyways, I hope everyone has a great day!

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