Upstate NY Babies

Something is bothering me

Disclaimer: This is NOT meant to be a political debate.  If it turns into one, I will DD.

I posted this pic on FB last night. 


I'm obviously an Obama supporter.  I do not agree with everything he has done, I don't think HE killed Osama and I do not negate the courageous effort of that Special Ops Team that took on the mission.  I DO believe that he was born here and that the birth certificate he brought to the media is real.  I find it absolutely astounding that there are people on my FB friends list, women I respect, that are still questioning the authenticity of his birth place.  It's really bugging me for some reason.  I guess people will always have doubt, but man, that must be exhausting.

Does anyone else have people in their lives who don't believe him about the birth certificate?

DD1: 3/31/10 DD2: 9/7/11
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