Toddlers: 12 - 24 Months

I know this comes up a lot but... UGH, biting at DC!!!

DD got bit for the first time Thursday. Had a stomach virus that night and didn't go on Friday. Today I go to pick her up and she has 2 new bites. SERIOUSLY?!?! That's 3 times in 2 days. I know there isn't much one can really do about a biter but give them warnings, a few strikes and they're out.... but the thing I'm hung up on is Thursday nobody saw it happen, and when I asked the teacher about it she said she saw it there when she came in (There's a different teacher earlier in the day). I was mad, but figured it's a one shot deal. Today they are explaining that DD and another girl were "picking on each other" and the other girl bit DD... ugh! Then the second bite of the day they say they have no idea where it came from and DD must have bit herself. Is it wrong of me to just want to scream BS in their face? Yes, the second bite today was on her wrist, but DD has never bit anyone/anything other than food/teethers and I highly doubt she would dig her teeth in far enough to leave a huge raised red spot. How would you handle this? Today, I decided to come home and think about it. After thinking about it I want there to be a better plan of action so this doesn't keep happening or I'm going to move her to a different center. WWYD?
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