January 2012 Moms

Cautiously intro'ing myself

After a crazy rollercoaster of a month, here I am!!  Backstory: I was Dx'd with hydrosalpinx earlier this month and scheduled for surgery to remove my left tube.  At this same visit, it was confirmed I O'd from the "bad" tube.  A week later, I got a BFP and my heart sank because I knew of the possible complications.  I called the RE, who had me come in for betas, but didn't call back.  After 72 hours, I flipped and called my OB...where I got a negative urine test.  She ordered more betas.  In 72 hours I only went from 22 to 32 and progesterone was at 4.

OB flamed RE for me and he has been much more on board since.  He had me come in today for one more set of betas before we scheduled surgery to fix tube and retrieve what we thought was ectopic pregnancy.  Mentally, I was prepared (and pretty sure) that this was over. By some miracle, my betas doubled  twice over the 90ish hours!

Progersterone is still really low (11) so I am continuing suppositories.  Other than that, we're hoping and praying until we can get the u/s in two more weeks.  The RE said we're not in the clear, but for now I'm pregnant and happy. So, without further adieu, that's me in a nutshell.  I O'd on 4/10/11 so EDD is 1/1/12!  Looking forward to getting to know you all and *hopefully* sticking around for the long haul!

*** Sisterwife with JenniferLuvsCandy! can't wait to meet your LO!***
***Congrats to Kristin15172004 on your adorable baby girl!***
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