January 2012 Moms

Back to work today...

So today was the first day back to work after our spring break at school. My students were soooo tired from the break and I have to say that I was too.  We begin our NJ ASK state testing tomorrow so we had to do alot of prep work today for that.  I am whooped!  


I also went for my 3rd blood test. It will be back tomorrow and I am HOPING that everything is going up and up!  I haven't been spotting at all so I am guessing that it will be right it should be.  Will update tomorrow :) 

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Gave birth to a beautiful baby boy on 6-22-09 M/C #1 07/10 (Chemical Pregnancy) M/C #2 03/11 (Chemical Pregnancy) BFP on 4/26/11 HOPING THIS STICKS!! Started Progesterone 5/6/11 <a href="http://s226.photobucket.com/albums/dd88/stephgamerbabe/?action=view
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