Omaha Babies

Daycare costs?

Hi - my husband and I are going to be TTC this summer, and I was hoping to get some information from the other ladies here.

 My husband's work offers daycare, and it's supposed to be wonderful (he works for Union Pacific in Omaha) but it's $300.00 per week! Is this normal? Or is it way too high? I like the idea of our baby being close by if something happens, but I don't want to be robbed blind either. At that price, my entire paycheck will be going to daycare!!

 Can any of you give me an idea as to what reasonable charges are for newborn and infant daycare in Omaha? Also, if any of you have experience with Union Pacific's day care center, would you recommend it?

 If you have any recommendations for other daycares, I would love to hear about them. We live in South Omaha (42nd & L Street area), and we both work downtown. I wouldn't want to drive clear out to West O every day. . .

 Thanks - much appreciated!  

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