Pregnant after IF


 I had the first trimester screening on 4/13 and everything looked great.  I last saw my OB on 4/14 for a check up and was told to come back in two weeks for blood work (I was on Met for PCOS/IR only and myDr. gradually lowered my dose of Metformin and wanted fasting blood work).  My appointment is scheduled for tomorrow at 5/3.

Although I love my Dr. I decided I feel more comfortable going to a Peri with a twin pregnancy. She was refered by a good friend, and I think I will like her. I have an appointment with that office on 5/10. 

Since I assume when I switch to the new practice that they are going to want to do their own blood work, I was wondering if I should just cancel tomorrow's appointment with my OB and wait one more week to see the Peri. 

This is a crazy time at work and I'd rather save my leave for later on when I need it.  Howver, I will do whatever is best for my babies regardless.  What would you do?

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