Upstate NY Babies

WWYD - re: friend's baby shower

I just got an invite for a friend's baby shower, but the thing is we have completely drifted apart.  I haven't seen or talked to her in person in about 3.5 years.  Basically I was always doing the coordinating for getting together, and it wouldn't pan out.  She would complain about not getting together, and then I'd say "I'm free any day this week" and I wouldn't hear from her again... for like three months - then she'd say how she missed us and we just have to get together.  I sent her endless e-mails, online photo albums, left phone messages, etc and she was just horrible at keeping in touch.

A couple months ago I got a mass e-mail from her to like 50 people saying she was expecting.  I e-mailed her asking how she was and no response.. (not to be so wordy but it is obvious she gets my e-mails, just not good about replying/calling/etc).  It is sad because DH and I were in their wedding, helped out a ton, got them a huge gift, visited them all the time.

She came to my baby shower in 2007, and that was one of the last times we saw her.  Since we have drifted apart I can't say I'm particularly excited, since she is kind of off the radar for me.. I have gone above and beyond to keep a relationship alive and it just isn't working, and the mass announcement is a turn off for me - she could have at least bcc'd all the people she was sending it to.  She never e-mails me and then I get the announcement and a shower invite.  Should I go to her shower?  Send a gift?

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