Upstate NY Babies

Questions re: younger toddlers

1. When did your LO stop taking a bottle?  DD only gets a bottle at bed time.  We do this b/c she doesn't get enough milk during the day from her sippy, but it's getting better.  And it really helps settle her down for the night.  But she's been waking up with really wet diapers, sometimes leaking through.  I'd really like that one bottle gone by 15 months or so, especially with the new baby coming.  How did the transition go for you? 

2. Is there some sort of toddler food pyramid out there to follow?  I don't have a ton of control over what she eats during the week b/c of day care, but I know she's getting a lot of balanced nutrition from their menu and MIL feeds her very healthy foods as well.  I'm looking for something to follow on the weekends mainly.   I get stuck in ruts and feel like I give her a lot of the same foods over and over again. 

3. DD has been walking for over a month but a lot of the time she's still really unsteady and falls down a lot.  Normal?

DD1: 3/31/10 DD2: 9/7/11
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