Upstate NY Babies

Potty training update..

Eve is doing SO well with PTing.. We just started again this past week.. She wore undies on Friday and Saturday for most of the day.. (and a little bit earlier in the week too). Friday she was completely accident free.. Saturday morning we had a couple of accidents, but she went to MILs house later and no accidents there. Sunday, We were in the car all day (drove to Ithaca and back).. so she wore diapers.. She did go in her diaper on the drive there.. I changed her about an hour before we got there.. and she didn't want to go on the potty at the truck stop rest room.. which was fine.. So I didn't check/change her again until we were ready to leave my friends house like 4 hours after that.. her diaper was DRY! So she went on the potty before we left my friends house. When we got home, its like a 3 hours drive, her diaper was dry again, and she went on the potty right away.. She wore a pull up the rest of the evening and that stayed dry too.. 

This morning she has already told me she had to twice.. even though once she was wearing her wet diaper from over night and the 2nd time a pull up.. She has school this morning, so I'm going to send her in a pullup with some extras and see what happens.. I don't think we're quite ready to go to school in undies yet.

She hasn't pooped in her diaper since at least wednesday, so I think she definitely has that part down.. I am really glad I didn't push things a few months ago and waited for her her to be more ready.. this is SO much easier on both of us!

Melissa & Jeff 5-27-06
m/c 1/2/08 and 3/12/08
Eve Amelia- Born 2/24/09. 6lb 9.9oz
Natalie Ruth - Born 6/13/11 7lb 6.6oz
baby growth
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