January 2012 Moms


Preface:  We aren't telling anyone (not even our families) about this baby until after 12 weeks because it was just too hard to tell them all when we lost the last one.

My sister graduated from college yesterday and a lot of family went to watch her walk.  To begin the day, I was so absolutely bloated that I got a lot of weird looks from a lot of family and friends.  It was pretty obvious the story line going through their heads:  OMG she's pregnant isn't she?  But wait, I shouldn't say anything in case she's just gaining weight.  But wait, I just saw her and she didn't look like this..."

So after a lot of awkward looks we all went to dinner.  My sister picked Mitchell's Fish Market.  All of my family knows my favorite appetizers and entrees there so my mom was like, "Oh!  We'll get the mussles for you!" and my dad said something about getting crab legs (which is my favorite meal ever).  Well, being that I am KU and avoiding shellfish in general, I had to explain why I wouldn't be eating what I normally eat.  First, I tried the "eh, I don't really feel like that tonight, I think I'll try something new."  But, my family knows me too well, and knew something was up, so they kept pressing.  Finally I said, "Look, I can't eat shellfish."  So my dad looks at me and says, "You're allergic?"  And sarcastically, I answered "Yes."  So, for the rest of dinner he kept asking me when I found out I was allergic.  MH was laughing so hard when we got home.  He still can't believe that my dad actually believes I'm allergic to shellfish.  I really can't either because while we were in FL (just before I got my BFP) I ate a TON of shellfish right in front of my dad.

Hopefully he's not too pissed when I tell him I'm not actually allergic to shellfish and I'm actually pregnant.  Stick out tongue

Lots of love and luck to Squishy622 (Welcome Maya!) and salt78 (Welcome Betty!) <3<3<3 <br> ~*Much luck, love, and unicorn farts to my BFPB ukcats (Welcome Avery!)*~
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