January 2012 Moms

Cheri22 Prediction

Here is the prediction I got.  She's obviously off on the month because I found out and conceived in April and am due in January.  As for it being a girl, I guess we'll find out!  But, the Chinese Gender Chart says girl too. 

Thanks for being patient with me while I got back to your reading. They show you guys with a Girl and they relate her to JULY so this is either birth month, conceive month or the month you find out in.
Shes someone who is always going to love dancing. I am seeing her always being really dedicated to it, and very good at what she does. Always having good rhythm to her body and being able to follow the patterns that are taught to her. Always being really creative as well and being able choreograph her own dances when shes older. (they show her being around 15 when she starts to compete).
When it comes to your daughter, she gets along well with everyone. Seems to be the one that meets friends easily. She gets invited to pretty much everything and is always being called on at the door to come outside and play... or being called up on the phone and talking for a fairly long time. Shes always going to love any opportunity to be social and just loves meeting new people. Always feeling at ease in any given situation. Shes confident and always fair. Always someone who you can count on to drop everything and be with you when you need her most. Shes always forgiving if you mean it, and always willing to try anything at least once. Often known for being spontaneous, but safe.
When it comes to your daughter, shes going to love to play baseball. They show her loving to be the pitcher, but will often play shortstop as well in order to share the position.
When it comes to career paths, they show her working in a human resources position. I do see her taking college courses in order to gain this position.
When it comes to marriage I am seeing her closer to 25. They will have one boy and one girl of their own.

Lots of love and luck to Squishy622 (Welcome Maya!) and salt78 (Welcome Betty!) <3<3<3 <br> ~*Much luck, love, and unicorn farts to my BFPB ukcats (Welcome Avery!)*~
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