January 2012 Moms

Living for the moment!

So my husband said I need to live for the moment...and I've decided that I'm going to take his advice:-)  I went through my second round of IVF (ER on 4/11 and ET on 4/14) and had my first beta on Wednesday (347) and my second beta on Friday (760)...so I'm preggo!!!  I was going to wait to join this board until my ultrasound on 5/9, but I've been lurking and I'm so excited that I decided to take his advice (live for the moment) and join this board along with the PAIF board!  I am so happy for all of you and I look forward to learning from you as well!   Thank you so much for all of your support in advance!


TTC since June 2008. PCOS, thrombophilia, endomitritis & type II diabetes (controlled). DH- motility/morphology. IVF w/ICSI #1- BFN 12/30/10 IVF w/ICSI #2- good vibes, sticky power:-) YAY-BFP!!! Beta #1 - 347 & Beta #2 - 760 Mother's Day surprise-TWINS!!! Lilypie Pregnancy tickers BabyFruit Ticker Lilypie Maternity tickers
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