Single Parents

Living with parents??

Hey all,

I have been living in my parents house since I left H, filed, etc. It is ok most of the time but sometime gets a little tense. Today for instance I expressed to my parents at breakfast that I was having a hard time dealing with the whole divorce thing and just wanted them to know. The converstion took a turn towards how to let H know about my trip to L&D last night (everything is fine thankgoodness) and how I still have issues being upfront/communicating with H after feeling so suppressed for so long. My dad blew up and started yelling about how I just need to get over it, mom was yelling at dad to take it easy on me - needless to say I got upset. I finally just went downstairs (where my room is) and broke down.

I understand my dad's point on dealing with things, and I did let H know about last night, and I will be talking to my counsler about my issues this week. But any tips on how to deal with living with the folks?

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