January 2012 Moms

Cautiously optimistic

Hi girls, I am excited to be here, although trying not to be too excited.  I got my BFP on Monday night at 10dpo.  My estimated due date is Jan.6.  My DH and I struggled with infertility and we finally got pregnant on our second cycle of injects + IUI.  I was shocked to finally see that second line on Monday night.  I had my first beta on Tuesday...hcg was 61.  I've been traveling for work this week so my second beta is Saturday...hoping and praying for good news!  I've been POAS like it's my job, and I'm definitely still pregnant (thank goodness)! 

Congrats to all the other January 2012 mommies to be!!

Owen and Olivia born on November 2, 2011 at 30.5 weeks Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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