January 2012 Moms

Intro (can't believe I am writing one!)

We have been TTC for over 3 years.  My first BFP was in 2007 and it resulted in a m/c 11 weeks later.  Then after battling IF for 2 years I got a BFP after IUI's only to discover that it was ectopic and I lost my right tube b/c of it.  It took 6 months for that pregnancy to clear out so we could start again.  It has been a year since our ectopic and now I am happy to say that after an IVF cycle we are KU again.  I *hope* I can stay on a birth month board for the full 9 months... but only time will tell. 
Forever buddy to Angelica; Natural Miscarriage Jan. 2008 @ 11 weeks; 2 years of BFFN's; DX: Unexplained IF (RE thinks IF is due to tubal issues); IUI #1 & 2= BFFN; IUI#3 = BFP, resulted in Cornual ectopic pregnancy; IUI #4 - 6 =BFFN; Our next endeavor... IVF. 1 grade AA embryo transferred on 4-23-2011 and 5 frosties. BFP Abby born 1/5/2012

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