January 2012 Moms


I see these posted in blogs and posted it in my blog when I was pg the first time. Feel free to steal it for your blog or whatever if you haven't already!

How far along?

Weight gain/loss:

Maternity clothes?


Best moment this week?

Food cravings:


Belly button in or out?


What I miss?

What I'm looking forward to:


the LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalms 34:18
My Blog || BFP Chart
11/27/10-BFP, EDD 8/9/11 || 1/4-7/10- missed m/c 9wks
4/25/11- BFP , EDD 1/5/12
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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