Upstate NY Babies

Natalie is breech right now. :/

Went for my first weekly nst/bpp and a growth scan today. Nst went great.. she did need to be buzzed for both that and the bpp but once she woke up she looked great. But she is breech. Oddly her head is on the opposite side of my belly as where I had been feeling what I thought was her bum, but was apparently her head,  for the past couple weeks. The tech and the mfm both tried to assure me there is plenty of time to flip still.. I know its still techically "early".. but I am not convinced. Eve was head down at every scan from 18 weeks on. Nat was head down at 18, transverse at 24, and breech at 32. She went the wrong way!

Also.. she is a bit smaller than eve meausred... eve was always between the 40th and 50th %.. Natalie is at the 22nd right now..4lb 1oz.  I think she was more like the 45th at 24 weeks. MFM said its Okay though.. and maybe that's better since she will have more room (in theory) to flip.  I actually just went back and looked and Eve was 3lb13oz at 30 weeks, And 4lb 15oz at 34 weeks exactly, so Natalie is only a tiny bit smaller, I'd say.

I  had my regular ob appt after that  too. Still no set date since I just saw the np.. (and who knows, everything could change if she stays breech!) but everything looks good and I actually lost a few lbs since last time..probably a combo of. The fact that I was swollen a little last time and being sick for 2 weeks and lighter clothes but its a good thing.. I'm only up abt 15lbs total.

Melissa & Jeff 5-27-06
m/c 1/2/08 and 3/12/08
Eve Amelia- Born 2/24/09. 6lb 9.9oz
Natalie Ruth - Born 6/13/11 7lb 6.6oz
baby growth
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