January 2012 Moms

Cautiously Joining You Ladies...

Hi everyone!  I've thought a lot about whether to intro or not, and I finally decided that I'd like to join you ladies now, but wait a while to walk into 1st tri again.

A little about me!  DH (31) and I (27) have been TTC since 10/10 and got our first BFP last month.  Unfortunately, it ended in a m/c at 6wks and we went back to the drawing board with a green light from my OB to start trying again right away.  Turns out, we were successful on the first shot and I got my BFP yesterday at 13 dpo.  However, I'm pretty nervous because I started spotting at 12 dpo.  It seems to have stopped as of this morning, but I'm really hesitant to get my hopes up just yet.  My OB wants me in for b/w every 2 days so we can keep an eye on everything.  I had my first draw today and will find out the results tomorrow.  I think I'll feel a lot better if the bleeding is truly gone, but I suppose only time will tell.  My EDD according to FF is 1/4/12.

I look forward to meeting all of you and hopefully I can stay here with you all for the long haul.

Lots of love and luck to Squishy622 (Welcome Maya!) and salt78 (Welcome Betty!) <3<3<3 <br> ~*Much luck, love, and unicorn farts to my BFPB ukcats (Welcome Avery!)*~
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