Pregnant after IF

My highchair & car seat have been discontinued. :(

My dad just called me to tell me that the high chair on my registry is no longer available.  I am so sad.  It was a wooden high chair with a animal theme seating pad.  Matched our dining room perfectly.  :(  He wanted to let me know and for me to pick something new.  (Then went on a great length about how I should pick one of the plastic type ones because they have more technical features and would be better.... I don't want a plastic one, I want a wooden one that matches the decor a little bit.  And I know 2 kids that have wooden high chairs and they are working out great.)  Hmmm... just looked online and the same high chair is available with a new designed seating pad - giraffe theme.  Maybe I will just tell him that.  Ugh. Why does he keep making such a big deal about nothing.  I want what is on my registry.  (This isn't the first time he has tried to convince me to change my mind about something.)

Also, just looked to see if anything else is out of stock/discountinued.  Our convertable car seat is gone.  Frig! I don't want to have to pick that out again.   Reminds me of my wedding registry.  What a nightmare that was.

*vent over*

TRC since = Feb/09 Dx: Unexplained Infertility Lap Surgery: July/10, small amount of endo removed Injectables and IUI #1=bfn Injectables and IUI #2=bfp!!!!!! Baby Boy born May 7, 2011 at 37weeks pregnant. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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