Pregnant after IF

2nd beta in :)

I just got the call that my second beta at 12dp5dt is 1576! My first on Monday (10dp5dt) was 662. I am soo relieved....waiting for that call was torture. Now I have another wait until my ultrasound on May 12th....I think this is worse than the 2ww is some ways Stick out tongue
Me 32 DH 38 Married October 2008- TTC Right Away! Dx - High FSH, MFI 3 IUI's in 09-10 all BFN July 2010 IVF #1- four eggs retrieved 2 mature only made it to 4 cells-none to transfer. March 30th- starting meds for IVF #2 April 10th- retrieval of 10 eggs/7mature April 15th- 5dt of 2 blasts April 25th- 10dp5dt Beta #1- 662 April 27th- 12dp5dt Beta #2- 1576 2 Girls! Due January 1, 2012. BabyFetus Ticker Pregnancy Ticker
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