Pregnant after IF

Brennan is here!! (PIP)

Hi Ladies,

I don't have time to post the whole story, but hopefully soon.  Basically, after stalling out last Tuesday and being sent home I was scheduled for an induction on Saturday.  Well, at 1AM the night before my water broke!!  I was 5-6cm and 90% when they admitted me around 4:30am.  I labored all day but never made it past 8cm and 100%...turns out that my pelvis is too narrow to give birth!!  So, at 5:00pm we made the decision to go in for a C-section and my handsome man was born at 5:49pm at 8lbs 4.6oz and 20in long!!  His head was a whopping 14 inches!!  My OB told me that I am not a VBAC candidate which is kind of a bummer, but at least we're all home safe and sound.  Congrats to all of the other LO's and their new mama's that I missed...hopefully I can catch up soon.  In the mean time, feast your eyes!! Smile


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