Upstate NY Babies

AW: Half baked and a great OB appt.

I cannot believe that I'm already 20 weeks!  I'm actually more than half way b/c of the repeat c/s I'll have around 39 weeks.  It's crazy how fast it's gone!

I had an appt. w/ an u/s today and baby is growing right on track.  S/he was very active and we got some great pics.  (I'll try to post one but tinypic is being a pain).  Heartbeat was 143.  I have an anterior placenta which is why I haven't really felt any movement up until the past couple of days.  And the 2nd best news of the day: My placenta previa is corrected and I can "resume sexual activities"!  WOO HOO!

And we're still Team Green Big Smile

DD1: 3/31/10 DD2: 9/7/11
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