January 2012 Moms

Pregnant for the 4th time...one success and 2 miscarriages...

Hello Ladies,

Just found out yesterday from a blood test that I am pregnant.  Not sure of due date because I had a miscarriage last month.  Haven't had a period yet so we are unsure of exact date. I believe it will be January 2012 though according to conception dates.


I am nervous I have to say because I am cramping and saw some tissue after I went to the bathroom this morning.  This is typically what I saw with the other 2 miscarriages.  My progesterone is 16.2 and hCG is 18.  I am super early but am hoping that the numbers rise!  I went for more blood today to see if I will be needing of Progesterone supplements.   

Hoping I can stay on this board with the rest of you!!  Wish me luck :)  

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Gave birth to a beautiful baby boy on 6-22-09 M/C #1 07/10 (Chemical Pregnancy) M/C #2 03/11 (Chemical Pregnancy) BFP on 4/26/11 HOPING THIS STICKS!! Started Progesterone 5/6/11 <a href="http://s226.photobucket.com/albums/dd88/stephgamerbabe/?action=view
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