Upstate NY Babies

how early is too early (for playing outside)

Evan and I had to drive DH to work this morning, so we were home just after 8am. I let him play outside for a bit... since it was so gorgeous out and it's supposed to storm this afternoon.

I didn't even think much about how early it was (it didn't even feel that early since it was so warm out already.) We weren't being loud or anything... Evan was laughing at the dog a bit, and the neighbors dog started barking when he saw us out the window so I made sure to keep Evan away from that house.

But, around 8:30 my neighbor (not the one w/ the barking dog) came out and as she was getting in her car she said hello and then commented that we were out early... I just said something like "yeah, it's so nice out and I think it's going to rain later, figured we might as well enjoy the sun while it's here." She just sorta smiled and seemed a bit weird about it. So now I'm thinking it was totally faux pas to be out so early! oops...

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