January 2012 Moms

Cautiously dipping toe into the water...

Just thought I would introduce myself.. My husband I have been married for 3 years this June.. We ttc for 19 months and I have had 2 surgeries to correct a uterine septum that I had. We got pregnant the first month after the second surgery. We are beyond thrilled to be expecting! I go in today for my second beta to confirm the pregnancy..It looks like we are either due Jan 2 or Jan 3..

We have not told anyone in real life yet.. 

~Cheryl and Frank~ 06/28/08
TTC since Sept 2009, 2 uterine septum surgeries (Jan and March 2011), 1 chemical pregnancy (4/11), 1 ectopic pregnancy (8/11), and missed m/c at 11w5d (3/12)
Failed IVF #1 (July 2012)
FET #1 October/November 2012 BFP, m/c at 5 3/7
February - operative hysteroscopy
Late April/May FET #2

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