Pregnant after IF

Hi! I can't believe I'm here!

Good morning ladies! I'm cautiously introducing myself. After my post the other day, I finally got a digital test that said, PREGNANT! I never thought this would happen. We have been through so much over the last 3 years and diui #1 (with known donor) worked. I am 14 dpiui and I just got the call that beta #1 was 137. The nurse said that is a great number. I go in for #2 on Thursday . I'm so happy to join you and I hope I'm able to stick around!
12/09- DH dx Azoo 2/23/10- DH's ultrasound and FSH show normal results but no sperm! 3/10- 1st RE appt 4/12/11- d-iui #1 4/25- BFP!!! Still in shock! BabyFruit Ticker
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