Pregnant after IF

bumping from L&D :)

We were suppose to check in last night at 8 start medication to soften my cervix.  Well apparently everyone in my town decided to have a baby last night and they couldn't get us in until almost 3am!  We have down two rounds of meds now and am waiting on the OB to come in and decide whether to do the next round or just start on the pitocin now.  I have started having contractions about 2 min apart.  They are painful but not awful so I doubt they are that productive but we will see!  at my last check before this round and before I started having these contraction I was still at 1-2.  :(  It might be late tonight before have our little guy but I am so excited!

 I just read over all the well wishes you all gave last night.  They all mean so much and I really appreciate all the support ladies.  You guys rock! 

Dx with PCOS and IR June 2009
After two losses, third time was a charm.
pm me for blog link
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