Pregnant after IF

Just an update. Feel free to reply with yours!

I think I don't really ever post updates that are strictly 'updates' - so here is mine:

I'm 25 weeks and 1 day.  Did my 1 hour glucose screening this morning.. I won't have the results for a couple of days.

I am physically measuring exactly 25 weeks (with the tape measure).  I feel like that measurement system is so bizarre.

I didn't have an u/s today, for the first time since I got pregnant.  That was disappointing!  Baby's heartbeat was in the 140s.

We still haven't picked out a name.  Every time we try to be serious it gets stupid.  This week, her name is Hulk Hogan W----.

She kicks constantly.  I've gained seven pounds in the last four weeks, so I believe that I'm officially up seventeen pounds.  No wonder I'm tired after climbing the stairs!!!

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