Pregnant after IF

feel guilty girls :(

Hey girls....I just wanted to say that I feel bad that I havent been posting or even lurking in a few weeks. I've been so tired and trying to deal with my two stepkids and even worse, DH....hahahaha.

Since my last post a few weeks ago...I had my first u/s. Heartbeat was at 166 and she measured the baby at 8 weeks 4 days, which seemed odd because I had an IUI and based on that I shouldve been 9 weeks 1 day. I truly hope everything is alright and baby is growing properly. In two weeks, we go for our first quad blood screening with 2nd u/s to check for Downs Syndrome. Since I'm at "Advanced Maternal Age" :(  

Anyways, just wanted to make sure everyone was doing great :)

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