Pregnant after IF

So, looks like I will be having a baby tomorrow!

Just got back from the OB and absolutely no progress. :(  We talked about our options and the OB says she thinks it is fine to try an induction before going straight to a c-section even though they think he is going to be really big.  She only gave me a 20-30% chance of induction working but I figured it was worth giving it a shot.  

So I go in tonight and will start the pitocin tomorrow morning.  They are going to have me on a pretty strict time table and I will go in knowing that if I don't progress well we will be looking at a c-section which I am fine with.  I just didn't want to jump straight to that without trying my other options first.

 Either way, by tomorrow I should have my little boy!  I will have my laptop at the hospital tonight so I might be on, just not sure.   We aren't telling many people IRL (just parents and some close friends) until he arrives but I wanted to let you ladies know.  Any fast labor vibes you can pass my way will be much appreciated!  

Dx with PCOS and IR June 2009
After two losses, third time was a charm.
pm me for blog link
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