Pregnant after IF

Growth Scan Today - T&PS please

Went for our 26-week growth scan today -- Baby A is thriving in there -- weighing approx 1lb 15oz, estimated to be 25w0d, and in the 51st percentile for growth.  Baby B is still struggling -- weighing approx 1lb 6oz, estimated at 23w6d, and in the 23rd percentile for growth. 

More scary appointment today -- as they talked about delivering now, and what that would mean.  If they were to deliver now, Baby B would most likely not survive.  Baby A would survive, but she would be very premature.  They're talking about sending us to the best hospital for them -- Children's in Boston -- for delivery.  They said worst case scenario is that Baby B could be born still, if his internal feeding system quits at any time.  (For today, both cords looked good, which was a positive sign.) 

We go back in 2 weeks for another growth scan.  After that point, we will have weekly growth scans.  My OB was not as alarmist as my MFM, based on the MFM's report, and she said they will not deliver them without her consent.  She is not on board with delivery before 28 weeks (unless it is critical), and said that he is still growing, just not on the same growth curve that she is on. 

Any extra T&Ps are greatly appreciated...  I'm doing my very best to stay as positive as I can, but as the weeks go on and the news stays the same (or worse), I'm starting to lose my positive facade.  (I'm secretly freaking out, and typing through tears...)  Sorry to be the debbie downer, lately.


Mr. & Mrs. ~ 09.08.07

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