Upstate NY Babies


So I saw your post below  - I have ben MIA the past few days - things have been crazy -

So I am *technically* still in the MAT program at ESC - but I didnt take classes at all this year...

Here's a rundown of the program:

  • It is for secondary education only - no elementary ed
  • You should/need to have all your NYS subject matter classes taken before you start the prgoram - for example, before I applied/was accepted - I was deficient and neded to take two undergrad level history classes and a geography course
  • The first year, you take classes (2 in the fall, 2 in the spring, 1 in the summer) all about teaching methods/special needs students (although you cannot get certified in special ed), and content/subject level classes. You also need to complete observation hours in high school and middle school classes.
  • The classes are all mainly online, and there is one in person class you attend each semester. The course work is SUPER easy. I easily earned a 4.0
  • You should find a permanent teaching job BEFORE you start the second year of the program. Without a permanent teaching job, you cannot take mentored teaching - which is a requirement. You'd be able to take classes in the fall semester, but if you didnt find a job, you wouldnt be able to take any spring semester courses
  • Depending on your subject - and because of the nature of the program - it could be VERY difficult to find a permanent teaching position. Teaching jobs are hard to find as is, and because the program does NOT include student teaching, you are at a distinct disadvantage. Last summer, I applied to EVERY social studies position (a difficult subject field to find jobs in to begin with), and I was only able to garner ONE interview - at the interview, I was pretty much told that I wouldnt get the job, because of my lack of actual teaching experience. The principal didnt care about my substitute teaching experience OR my High School coaching experience
  • ESC does NOT provide you with ANY help in finding a job.
  • All of this being said - apparently there is a new residency program with the MAT program (I just received a letter about it in the mail last week) - I am NOT exactly sure what this program entails.....


My personal opinion is to stay away form the MAT program. If you want to go into teaching, find a comprehensive MAT program with a school that has student teaching and relationships with school districts...

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